Why giving to OakHaven Montessori School makes a difference.
Your support helps OMS to fulfill our ultimate mission to create peace and provide an exceptional Montessori education for children.
At OakHaven we strive to make an authentic Montessori education accessible for all children. We are happy to offer financial aid to as many children as possible and would not be able to provide this amount of financial aid without the help of our donors. Every donation that you make to OakHaven directly benefits the children we serve both today and in the future.
Qualified and motivated teachers are the single-most important school-based determinant of quality education. That’s why here at OakHaven, we have a high standard for the teachers we hire and those we sponsor through the rigorous Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) teacher training. In addition, we invest in continuing education that allows our staff to keep up with current research and best practices.
As the only Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) certified Montessori School in St. Charles County, we are growing! This means our school will soon need additional classrooms and office space. In the next few years, we look forward to expanding and providing an authentic Montessori education to more children.
Thank you for supporting OakHaven Montessori School!